Ghee is a 100% natural and pure product
Ghee butter is used for cooking healthy food, giving it an incomparable taste and aroma.
Useful properties:
- Restores immunity
- Activates the brain and digestion
- Improves the assimilation of useful products (enhances the intake of all useful substances into the body)
- Antidepressant
You can use:
- In cereals, side dishes, desserts
- In baking
- When frying (does not emit carcinogens)
The highest point of smoking is 250 ° C
- Evening intake of a teaspoon of melted butter with warm milk soothes and promotes deep sleep
- Bread with melted butter and honey (in a ratio of 3:1) delicious and healthy breakfast
- You can cook Kattama – a traditional dish of puff pastry and melted butter
Melted Butter Ghee 7,04 oz - 200 g (pack of 2)
1 Quart